We invite you to take part in activation «Victory Day» devoted to the 70 anniversary (1945-2015) of a holiday of a great victory over fascism and end II World War in Europe. If you want active with VD70 call,please contact with Alex 50SD001.
Dates: every weekend from 18/19 April 2015 to 30/31 May 2015 (total will be 7 weekends). Stations:
3SD205-VD70 Rafael
14SD014-VD70 Jean-Claude
14SD063-VD70 Loic
14SD132-VD70 Jean-Claude
21SD153-VD70 Colin
26SD117-VD70 Geoff
43SD101-VD70 Geoff
50SD001-VD70 Alex
50SD005-VD70 Sergey
50SD104-VD70 Elena
50SD109-VD70 Vasily
50SD121-VD70 Oleg
50SD124-VD70 Mike
50SD147-VD70 Valery
50SD173-VD70 Yuri
50SD333-VD70 Andrey
302SD108-VD70 Nikolay
302SD109-VD70 Alex
302SD200-VD70 Slava
302SD505-VD70 Vladimir
50SD000-VD70 Club station (only 9-10 May)
302SD000-VD70 Club station (only 9-10 May)
311/14SD014-VD70 Jean-Claude (only 9-10 May)
Template LOG file for hunters: Victory_Day_LOG
302sd109/va70 Alex tnx! 5/7
Bonjour Alex /50SD001,
je ne suis pas toujours disponible actuellement, je ne serais pas activant ,mais seulement chasseur,et j’essayerais de contacter le maximum d’Opérateurs, tant au qra avec antenne filaire,et en mobile portable avec Skipperbeam modèle de «G4ZU».,je n’ai fait qu’un seul contact hier et ce fût avec le sieur Vasily sur la 50.
Bien cordiallement a vous Alex
14SD 115-Patrick
Enough of these armchar activations please.
We honor the memory of our forefathers for their feats, though, I can understand you. Especially when you consider that Italy itself together with Nazi Germany declared war to France, England and attacked the USSR. You probably have your own memories. No problem. You can make your own.
Bonjour Alex ,50SD001,
contacter hier a 13:40 UTC. 43sd101-vd70- Geoff.
mais cet opérateur n’est pas sur la feuille de log
comme activant ?
fréquence du contact le 19/04/2015 27.577 mhz
prog pour moi 032.
Nice to work few 50 div station this morning in the uk
Eläköön Venäjä!
Hi Alex,
Nice to work several station’s VD70, very important to remember this célébration ! Remember «Normandie-Niemen» ! I send to you my log in your e-mel @dress.
Best 73,s from Bruno