Приглашаем Вас принять участие в Sugar Delta Russian Contest 2015!
Даты: c 09:00 субботы 7 февраля до 15:00 воскресенья 8 февраля.
Sugar Delta Russian HQ invites you to take part in our competition!
Our Contest is OPEN to all groups and stations inside and outside of Russia.
Starts on Saturday 7 February 06:00 GMT.
Finish on Sunday 8 February 12:00 GMT (total 30 hours).
All 11 meter band (please don’t use for QSOs the calling frequency 27.555 and 27.190).
Score For Russian stations:
1 point for each contact multiplied by the divisions worked.
For example: 50 progressives * 10 divisions = 500 Points.
For outside Russia stations:
Contact with SD member from Russia – 10 points.
Contact with not SD member from Russia – 5 points.
Total points Multiplied by Russian regions worked.
All contacts with 50, 302, 307 divisions are valid.
For example:
1)07/02 302SD108 (Troitsk) — 10 points
2)07/02 50MK001 (Moscow) – 5 points
3)08/02 50DT105 (Moscow) – 5 points
4)08/02 50SD001 (Rostov) – 10 points
5)08/02 302SD109 (Troitsk) – 10 points
Total: 40 points * 3 Regions = 120 points.
All logs will be sent to Contest manager before 12 april 2015 to the Contest manager:
Address and E-mail:
Alex P.O. Box 3618 344022 Rostov-on-Don Russia
E-mail: contestmanager@sugar-delta.org, 50sd001@rambler.ru
Final results will be published in all SD forums and SD websites after 1 May 2015.
Special Contest Awards will be given for: — 1, 2, 3 place SD Russian stations. —
1 place not SD Russian station. —
1,2,3 place outside Russia SD member. —
1 place outside Russia non SD member.
Good luck in the contest!
Russia Coordinator
SD Contest Manager